Psychological support

If you are experiencing hard moments, there are places in Wrocław where you can look for help: 1Poradnia Rodzinna przy Klasztorze OO....

Donation Of 1% Income Tax On Your PIT

So, the time has come to complete your yearly tax declaration in Poland, and you’ve just about got your head around...

Health insurance

If you are an EU/EFTA resident, and hold a valid medical insurance in your country, it entitles you to get free...

Mortgage loan for Expat in Poland? Not a problem

If you want to buy an apartment and don’t have sufficient funds a mortgage loan might be an only solution. Generally...


Education Nursery and pre-school (zerówka) Children can attend nursery from the age of 3. Nursery education is not obligatory, however pre-school preparation (przygotowanie...

Rodzina 500 plus

“Rodzina 500 plus” is a new system of support for families with young children. Basically every Polish family can apply for...

Victims of crime

If as a foreigner you have been a victim of a crime, you should report it to the nearest police office...

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