Population: Over 38 million
Capital city: Warsaw
Political system: Parliamentary republic
Main languages: Polish (official), English (main urban centres)
Major religions: Catholicism (80 percent)
Time: GMT +1 (GMT +2 from the last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October.)
Electricity: 220 volts, 50 Hz. European-style, two-pin plugs are used.
Currency: The Polish Zloty (PLN), divided into 100 groszy (singluar: grosz)
International dialling code: +48. City/area codes are in use, e.g. (0)22 for Warsaw and (0)12 for Krakow.
Internet TLD: .pl
Emergency numbers: 112 (general), 997 (police), 998 (fire), 999 (ambulance)
Road traffic: Drives on the right