At the beginning of February Wroclaw won the distinction of European Best Destinations 2018 beating such cities as among others Hvar, Bilbao, Milan, Riga, Milan, Amsterdam, Athens and Paris.
European Best Destinations is an international organization based in Brussels, aiming to promote culture and tourism in Europe. The prize is awarded annually and 20 cities take part in the competition. The jury recognized Wroclaw as a city with great potential, strongly focusing on development, also in the tourism industry. The organization of large events, such as the European Capital of Culture 2016 or World Games 2017, helped make Wrocław noticed.
On behalf of the city the President Rafał Dutkiewicz will be presented the statuette on Wednesday, April 4, at 11:00, in Hydropolis at ul. Na Grobli 19-21.