Musical Leningrad in Impart


A wonderful musical, based on 18 songs from the repertoire of the band “Leningrad” from St. Petersburg. The performance draws from the beginning extremely suggestively created mood of a permanent party, excellent play, live, sharp music, performed by instrumentalists who also participate in stage activities.

For over eight years now, on the cosy stage of Teatr Piosenki the spectacle enjoys unflagging popularity among the audience, which after each performance requires encore.

In the work of “Leningrad” and their leader Siergiej Sznurow, one can find the spirit of anarchy, black humor and inclinations to operate with radical means of expression. The heroes of his songs are blue birds, artists, tramps who feel quite good on the margins of social life. They are also people ignoring politics, Putin, contemporary Russia. Celebrating freedom as part of an unlimited artistic anarchy.

On the one hand, Sznurow’s songs are perverse, decadent texts, and on the other – sharp energetic music, captivating the listener from the first bars. The influence of many musical genres can be felt in it, but in its entirety it consists of an extremely original artistic project. In Russia, “Leningrad” is extremely popular, its significance on that market can be compared to the influences of Kazik and “Kult” in Poland. – Łukasz Czuj, director of the Wrocław realization.

concept and direction of the performance: Łukasz Czuj
arrangement and musical direction: Krzysztof Łochowicz
text translation: Michał Chludziński
costume and space designs: Elżbieta Rokita

Place: Impart, ul. Mazowiecka 17
Time: 16.05.2018, 19:00
Time: 17.05.2018, 19:00

[ Facebook event page ]

We have a double invitation for the musical to give avay, please see details of the contest here.

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Next articleWroclaw Expats will be giving away 2 tickets for the upcoming Leningrad musical (16/05/2018)
Ken Liu is an American writer and photographer currently living in Wrocław. You can follow him on Twitter or Instagram @kenkliu


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