The “social refrigerator” stands from several days in the Szczepin residential area (Zachodnia 1 Street). We can find different foods there and put something in it.
“Social Refrigerator” is an initiative of Jan Piontek, who, apart from being a councilor, still works in a food bank. As he says, the refrigerator was created for people in need, who are not missing in the area.
In addition to taking care of the Social Refrigerator, Jan Piontek runs a permanent food dispensing point. Support is provided to all those in need, without unnecessary bureaucracy. Not only those who meet the income criteria verified by MOPS. The neighborhood food bank constantly supports about five hundred people. Social Fridge only those who need help immediately in a hopeless situation.
The “social fridge” is the first initiative of this kind in Wroclaw (apart from the “social fridge” in the Ark dorm, which only students can use). Mr. Jan wants similar refrigerators to be created in other locations on Szczepin *. It is also possible that “social fridges” will also be placed on Nowy Dwór, because the council of the housing estate is already interested in the initiative.
* Szczepin is a settlement of older people. The poor, however, are ashamed of themselves and do not have a MOPS card. They are only on their own. And what about a pensioner who has 1200 zlotys a month? – asks Jan.