Health insurance


If you are an EU/EFTA resident, and hold a valid medical insurance in your country, it entitles you to get free medical care in Poland. You will be asked to present your ID/passport/student ID card and a valid European Health Insurance Card (Europejska Karta Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego). More information is available on the National Health Fund website [ link ].

If you come from outside of the EU/EFTA, you can choose between two options: either you buy international health insurance in your home country before you come to Poland, or you sign a voluntary health insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia). Monthly it costs around 15 EUR and entitles you to obtain healthcare in medical centers, hospitals and clinics.

Psychological support

If you are experiencing hard moments, there are places in Wrocław where you can look for help:


Poradnia Rodzinna przy Klasztorze OO. Dominikanów „Syntonia”, pl. Dominikański 2
registration: Tuesday 9.00-10.00, Friday 15.30-16.00,
telephone: 728 471 669,

You can meet with a psychologist, a family counselor or a priest. They speak Russian and Ukrainian. The service is free of charge, just remember to book an appointment in advance.

Fundacja „Sancta Familia”, ul. Monte Cassino 64,
telephone: + 48 517 45 35 75, 71 348 29 01

You can get legal help, talk to a psychologist, a therapist or a family counselor. They speak English, Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian. Remember to book an appointment in advance. The service is free of charge.

Towarzystwo Rozwoju Rodziny, ul. Zelwerowicza 4
telephone: 71 349 39 11, 602 645 443,

They speak English and Ukrainian. You can make an appointment with a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a therapist. The service is free of charge.

Poradnia Rodzinna przy Fundacji Evangelium Vitae, ul. Rydygiera 22-28,
telephone: 71 782 87 61 wew. 21, 25, 798 988 903,

They run support groups, you can also talk to a psychologist or a therapist ang get legal help. They speak English. The service is free of charge.

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