First Words in English – CzuCzu Product Review


If you’re looking for something that will keep your baby both entertained and educated, here’s something for you!

Ladies & Gentlemen:


I got these for Little Man when he was about 8 months old and he keeps coming back to them nearly every day! Amazing! As a teacher of English I simply cannot walk pass such „gadgets” like cards or books with first words and not get them (: and that’s why I got them for Little Man at such an early stage of his life but he loved them from the moment he got them! He first used to play with the cards trying to munch on them and looked at the pictures. A couple of months later he used to put it in our hands so that we could show the pictures and read the words to him. Now, we show him the pictures and read the words out loud and he points at wherever the object is in the house („lamp” for example, his favourite by the way <3 ) or if it’s not he comments something in his own language. These cards are just great and I wanted to share my thoughts on them with you the moment I bought them but once excitement dropped I thought it would be better to first actually test them on Little Man and so I did.


The cards are called „ANGIELSKI karty obrazkowe na sznureczku” and they are a product of a Polish publishing company called CzuCzu which specializes in educational projects and materials for children of all ages.

The package contains 16 double-sided flash cards tied with a string. The pictures are colourful and very easy to recognise. They are of great quality, firm and kid-proof – Little Man spilt water all over them and they survived in quite good condition. All we had to change was the string as it kind of dissolved in the water…. but that’s not a problem really taking into consideration that some of the games you might play with these cards involve unknotting it anyway.


What I love about these cards most is that they can be used in various ways, the pictures are pretty straightforward ( no Picasso- like pictures making your little one wonder what the heck is the thing mommy’s talking about ) and they can be used at home, in the car, on a plane, they’re small so you can take them everywhere with you.

How to play with the cards:

  • You can  show them one by one and read the words
  • Your baby /toddler can choose the pictures he or she wants to know the name of
  • You can use them to teach words in any language you wish  ( I say them in Polish and English)
  • You can place them all on the floor and ask your toddler to point at a given word/ picture
  • You can ask your toddler to show where the thing is in the house or outside
  • You can make stories with these cards

There’s plenty of other ways I could use the cards for learning or playing and that’s the fun thing about them – they leave space for imagination and creativity, both your little ones and yours.


I’m afraid that there’s not much to choose from when it comes to English language but there are many products that could just as well be bi-lingual so don’t make the names scare you away (;  Lovely puzzles, memory games and other cards are among a lot of other products just waiting to be loved by your children (:

All CzuCzu products are available on-line ( CzuCzu Shop ) or stationary in shops like Rossmann, Smyk or Askot.

*I have not been paid or asked to write this review. Its my private opinion and as we like great quality products, I wanted to share this finding with you.

Author: Maja Nieznanska- Musial

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